Sunday, March 10, 2013

You Could See Jesus Today

Recently, I led a small group at my church.  The focus of the group was on the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan.

This was the second time I had read the book but I was incredibly excited to do so because I loved it the first time around. I am not one to read books twice. I mostly feel this way about fiction books because I already know the ending so there is really no reason to read that one again. There are 8762384623847 books in the world and it seems pointless to me to read one that has already been opened and closed.

I have found that this has translated over to my reading of non-fiction as well. I need to get out of that habit because for once I re-read a book and was reminded of so many things that impacted me years ago.

I could go on and on about the things that I was reminded of while reading this book, but I will simply touch on one that has impacted me daily thus far. I will probably bring up a couple other items in the coming days (or weeks because let's be honest, I do not blog daily) from the book.

We have all heard that "today could be our last day" and that is well and good but do we really think about that? Chan puts it in a different perspective about how today could be the day that we actually see Jesus. In all actuality there is nothing stopping today from being the day that some idiot swerves his car into the wrong lane and ends my life. Does that have any impact? Does that realization play any part in how I live my life? I hope so. I pray that I start living my life in a way that glorifies God on a daily basis and in a way that communicates to others that I love Jesus. I want to live a life that when it ends, whether that is today or in 70 years, God will say "well done." 

I so strongly desire for that to be the case and the fact that today could be the day that I have to stand before the creator of this universe is...hard to comprehend. Hopefully it will help me to continually live a life that strives for the approval of my creator.

Because an "ata boy" from my father in heaven is the greatest thing a child like me could hope to get.

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